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Free Perl Scripts

Our free Perl scripts have simple instructions, we include the images and program files webmasters need for an easy installation with features that are lacking in other scripts. We also provide technical support.
These are Perl scripts that we wrote to use on our site. Our programs have sparked interest among webmasters who need similar functionality for their websites.
Possibly you are a webmaster who would like to provide similar services on your site. Following is a listing of our available scripts. Take a moment to browse through and see if there is anything for which you have been looking. You are welcome to use our Free Scripts. Every script has customizable headers, footers, thank-you email messages, font color, size, and font family. They are also easy to set up and they utilize domain protection. We will expand upon this feature.
The PCman's Perl Scripts Freeware
Free Perl scripts get our freeware CGI programs that we wrote for you, a webmaster, to download and try on your website. They include simple instructions and many valuable customizable features. Possibly you are a webmaster and would like to use our free Perl scripts on your site. Following are our programs that we are offering as freeware downloads. Take a moment to look through them and see if there is anything you could use. We may have the one for which you have been seeking. Hey webmasters, get our free Perl scripts. Download one today! You can try the demonstration examples we have set up. These programs are to be used under the condition that they are as is and without a warranty of any kind. You must agree to our
terms of use policy.
Free Perl Scripts
- Environment Variables
Use this script to identify and list the information about your server that is used in configuring perl scripts. Several server file paths, server address, IP and host data, remote host data, User Agent and more. Included with complete, simple instructions for the set up and operation of The PCman's Environment Variables script.
Price: Freeware, includes program files and instructions.
View Demo Download Now
- Refer A Friend
This script will enable a visitors on your site refer your website to their friends. It has custom colors, a custom referral message and an email address log. After the referral they are sent to a confirmation page and then are redirected to your homepage. The PCman's Refer a Friend script includes simple instructions for the complete set up and operation.
Price: Freeware, includes program files and instructions.
View Demo Download Now
Other Perl Scripts
Here are more scripts, but they are no longer available for download. However, you are welcome to use them as online tools instead.
- Frames Maker: NLA Easily create frame sets using our Frames Maker script.
- Hot Linking Preventer: NLA Create code to stop remote file linking and bandwidth stealing from your website.
- Meta Tag Generator: NLA Improve your web page search engine ranking by improving your meta keywords and meta description.
- Robots.txt Creator: NLA Control the spidering actions and results of search engine indexing robots.
- Screen Resolution Tester: NLA How does your page look at different resolutions and screen sizes?
We have features in our scripts that are lacking in the scripts of competing websites.
Basic Requirements
- We coded them to use Perl 5.
- We need the ability to have and run scripts from a cgi-bin directory.
- The scripts were generally written for Unix and Linux servers.
- We use Sendmail.
- The scripts use forms to gather the user's information.
- You need an FTP program like Filezilla or WinSCP to upload the files and to change their permissions to make them executable.
- You need to know your server's path to Perl and Sendmail.
Built-in Features
- These scripts are easy to set up eliminating the need to waste lots of time trying to get them to work.
- They will seamlessly integrate into your site so your visitor doesn't feel like they are jumping around to different sites with different appearances. We designed them to have uniformity and continuity.
- Our scripts are good for beginners to set up. There are simple instructions, we even include images and default headers that can be used as-is. All of our scripts use similar images and a consistent page layout so if someone used several of our scripts they would have a complimentary appearance.
- The set up of our scripts is very similar. If you set up one you will know how to set up the others. This makes the set up easy so you don't need to relearn how to use each program.
- We like to send a user a thank-you email this can be turned on or off, it is your choice. This can be used to send the user an advertisement or other promotional material even if it is your site name and link.
- The option of email address and name collection into a log file is built-in to each script. This feature is optional and can be set during installation. Making the feature optional reduces the chance that people will enter phony names, etc.
- We add many features to each script for the webmaster, while still keeping them clean and simple to use. Our scripts have more features than other similar scripts. This way the visitor will want to return to use these scripts over possible others.
- Domain Protection is built-in to our scripts, so others can't run your script from their domain using up your bandwidth and resources. Nothing is foolproof, but it is a good safeguard.
- Help is available on our FAQs page. It lists common mistakes with solutions and answers to common questions. Support is also provided via email to help you get the scripts up and running should you need it. We used to install the scripts for you at a rate dependent upon your wants and needs including any customization of the script. But that service has been discontinued though we still provide email support.
- Take a look at our scripts and try out the working examples by clicking the link for each one.
Perl Script Installation Service

This service has been discontinued.
Installation did include the services outlined.
We would have installed the scripts that you obtained from us onto your web server. That included uploading the program files and images, then we would set up and configure the scripts.
- We would program the settings file with information supplied by the customer and their web host.
- We would create all of the necessary program directories on your server.
- We would upload all of the images, settings and program files to those directories.
- We would set the proper permissions on the files for proper server operation.
- We would then test the program and its features to ensure it runs correctly on your server.
The installation did not include modifications to the header, footer, and thank-you email files. We could modify them for an additional charge, which we would have quoted to you before we started the work!
Please order a script installation for each script you purchase. Please contact us to order the installation of your scripts.
If you previously purchased a script and now you choose to have us install it, make a note of that when you contact us about purchasing the installation.
We have features in our scripts that are lacking in other site's scripts.