This Web Page Editor is the the quick and easy way to make changes to your pages made with our Free Web Page Creator. No knowledge of HTML or Word Processing is required, answer simple questions to create your pages. A registration fee of $0.00 is requested for unlimited use of this program. Even using it once pays for itself! (Of course it is free!) The web page creator is completely Free of charge we consider it to be a demonstration to show the creator's capabilities and its ease of use. The pages you make are completely functional with no limitations whatsoever. If sometime later you should need to update or make changes to the page it can be done for free here using this program or done by hiring us for additional charges. Quotes can be obtained using this form.
This program is "as-is," if you locality does not allow for this disclaimer please do not use this program. This editor is an extension of the Free Web Page Creator except that it lets you load your page data back into the system without having to go through the time or trouble of adding each part (50+ entries) manually. Using the "Save Data" file you downloaded when you made your page you can open the file(double-click it), then click the "Load Data" button. Enter your Name, Email Address, Username and Password that we give you and that's it (Logging in is no longer necessary). From there you can easily edit the portions of the page you want changed or updated.
This program is accessed by double-clicking the "config-page.html" file you downloaded when you made your page. Follow the simple instructions on that page. This editor was created to be simple and straightforward in its design and use.
So, if you like our Web Page Creator system, this makes it better!
The Web Page Editor is only for use with our Web Page Creator system.