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Contact The PCman

Please feel free to send any comments, suggestions, etc., using the following address. You can also request help with any issues you encounter at The PCman Website. Due to our receiving a large amount of email spam we have opted to remove the contact form. Instead, below we have provided our email address. The PCman's support staff welcomes your message. They will gladly reply to your inquiry at their first opportunity. To expedite the resolution of your issue, please check the following list of support topics first. We have specific help and instructions available for certain areas of the site. If your needs are not met by one of these topics, then please use the form or email address shown here. Due to
COPPA regulations, You must be 13 years of age or older to submit forms on this site.
Resources for Immediate Help
Do you have payment or trial subscription issues? We make no requests for payment and have no trial subscriptions!
Is The PCman Website really free? Yes, it is! We are pleased to assist job seekers with the usage of our programs to create resumes here at The PCman Website. Note: If you clicked on a third-party ad shown on one of our pages and you created your resume at another site, you must receive help from that other site.
Contact a Support Agent
Please use this email address to send a message: