Updated: 03/09/2023
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your device that can contain information such as your login status, the body of your cover letter or choices for creating a banner, etc. They are sent back to the website so it can read the information from them. Information can be remembered when browsing the pages of a website, even if you come back months later. They may also contain a unique identifier such as that used by Google Analytics, for example, to track your path through our website to create reports to analyze our web traffic. We also display third-party advertising such as Google AdSense, Conversantmedia, and others who also set cookies with a unique identifier to personalize the ads shown to you. Google has its policy for how they use this data which can be viewed here, view Conversantmedia's policy here. For a more in-depth explanation here is a Wikipedia article about cookies.
What kinds of cookies are there?
There are first-party cookies that are set by our site and third-party cookies that are set by sites that are external to ours, like Google, Conversantmedia, etc.
The cookies have short-term and long-term timeframes; they are called session cookies and persistent cookies, respectively. Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser. They are used to store information on a short-term basis. To remember things such as if you are logged in or to hold the letters you are sending while you are creating them. They can remember your choices when creating a banner with our Banner Creator.
Persistent cookies generally contain information for the long-term and normally have expiration dates, which could be set to years in the future. Third-party analysis and advertising providers use this type to keep track of you on the internet to deliver relevant ads to you based on your history and preferences. They also make sure you aren't shown the same ad too many times. These cookies remain on your computer until they are deleted or until they expire.
What do we use cookies for?
We use cookies to remember information, such as if you are logged in. In this case, disabling our cookies would not let you log in to our services. We also share information about your use of our site with our advertising and analytics partners. They may combine it with other information you've provided to them, or they've collected from your use of their services. These are third-party cookies, and they are set by sites other than our own. The following links can be used to opt out of many advertising and analytics programs. Although you should be aware that the quality of your experience on websites that use these services could be diminished. Follow this link to find out how Google uses this data.
A list of cookies our site uses:
First-Party - Persistent+Session
coverletterbody - Cover Letter Creator (Session)
references - Reference Page Creator (Session)
interviewletterbody - Interview Thank-you Letter Creator (Session)
resignationletterbody - Resignation Letter Creator (Session)
resume - login for Resume Directory (Session)
banner - Free Banner Creator (Session)
Spell Check - Spelling Checker preferences (Persistent)
cookieconsent_status - cookie banner (Persistent)
Third-Party - Persistent+Session
Google AdSense - advertising
Google Analytics - traffic analysis
ReCaptcha - security
Conversantmedia - advertising
How to consent to/opt out of our cookie policy
You don't need to do anything to consent, browse and use the site as you wish. If you want to opt-out of our use of cookies, please advance to the next section and delete the cookies listed above for each third party. Visit the links throughout this page to opt out of them. Then, remove the cookies attached to the domain "thepcmanwebsite.com" according to your browser's deletion procedure.
How to manage cookies
You can turn on, turn off, delete and clear your cookies whenever you wish within your browser. Visit the developers' help page for your specific browser. If your browser is not listed here please consult your browser's help section.