Your source for free web templates and freeware webmaster tools
Free Web Templates

Free web templates to download including premium css templates and Wordpress templates for you to use for free. These free web templates include the HTML files, images, css style sheets, and PHP files.
You can edit them by hand or use an editor such as Dreamweaver. There are many different colors and styles available. These premium
free web templates will work properly with a Linux host or Windows host.
free CSS templates include the HTML files, images and style sheets to which you can add your own content and modify them as you see fit to personalize them to your own taste and needs.
free flash templates we had available here were discontinued because flash is no longer supported by modern browsers.
Many of these
free web templates offer the same style created in different colors so you can choose the color you like best. These free web templates are standards-compliant; this means they are authored to be fully compatible to work properly with current browsers.
The free web templates generally require that the link back to the author's site is maintained. The free web templates contain readme and license files which should be consulted to ensure you comply with the license each one has.