Your source for free css templates and freeware webmaster tools
Free CSS Templates

Free CSS Templates to build a complete website all for free nothing held back, customize and personalize the free css templates by adding your own content and adding pages as you need them.
Choose your favorite styles and colors then edit them using a program or they can be hand coded. These premium
free css templates will work on a linux host or windows host.
With all of the choices and options available it will be easy to find something to fulfill your requirements. Everything you need is included to make your own website, edit the pages adding what you need then upload it to your host.
If you have basic word processing skills you should be able to personalize them with no trouble.
These standards-compliant
free css templates are fully compatible to work properly with current browsers to provide you will the tools to create a website that looks the way you intended.
They generally require the links back to the authors site be kept in place. View the readme and license files to use them in the manner requested by keeping the backlink.