Your source for fun, free games-services-software
Awards The PCman Received Page Three
Congratulations, your site The PCman Website - fun, free-games-services-freeware has been approved to be listed in the Directory.
We are only accepting to list 1-2 sites daily out of over 80-100 daily applications. Sincerely, Administrator AwardWorld
You have won one of Lindor's Awards!
The SILVER one!
We received this award from the Lindor Award program.
Great Site Award.
Your site as listed above has been chosen as a winner of The Seasons of Change Bronze Award. I enjoyed my visit to your site.
Thanks for making the web a better place. It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work into your web space. This award is not automatic. All sites are viewed.
CONGRATULATIONS! - Your site has been considered by our review panel and has been awarded an "Excellence" award. Well Done on your website.
Your site has been reviewed by some of the top web consultants in Australia and not only meets the high standard we demand from our winners, it also excels in its field.
I enjoyed visiting your site. It is truly a plus for the Internet and consequently I would like to reward your efforts with the
Gadzillion Award For Creative Thought on the Internet. Take Care and Keep Thinking, Don Fowler, A Gadzillion Things To Think About