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Post Your Resume Online Free Online Resume Listing

Post your resume online with a free online resume listing in The PCman Website Resume Directory. Employers can quickly and easily search our database of qualified candidates. The resumes posted online in our resume directory where all created using The PCman's Free Resume Creator system.
The program offers you the additional benefit of posting your resume that you can create online using The PCman Website Free Resume Creator. For this optional service, the creation of a
free account is necessary, you can join inside the Resume Creator program while making your resume. You are NOT required to create an account to use the Free Resume Creator system.
The online resume directory is free to join. You can log in to your Resume Management Account to update, print, download and send your resume.
You can make your resume public or private. It is optional to list your resume in the directory. Your resume will not show up in the directory or the search results if you set it to be private. It will also be unavailable to prospective employers. However, you will still be able to edit, print, download, and send your resume. If you make your online resume public, you can use a special web address to post it in blogs, forums, or social networking pages.
A public resume does not show your house number, street, telephone number, or cellphone number. The directory also obscures your email address, but employers can still read it to contact you with job offers.
Visitors who browse the directory will be able to view and search the resumes of candidates they are interested in interviewing. View our
terms for complete details.
Due to diminished user interest, we have discontinued the online directory and member's portion of this system. The
free resume creator portion still functions as it always has. An edit-file will now save your resume information instead of the database. You will export the edit-file to your device. Double-clicking this file will open a page for you to open your data into the creator program. From there you can edit your resume as needed. This export feature has been available since this system began.