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Social Bookmarks Service for Websites, Blogs and Forums

Social Bookmarks Service for Websites, Blogs or Forums now your visitors can easily add your website or blog to more than 20 social bookmarks sites using one simple link on any of your pages.
Social Bookmarks Service is free and can help
increase traffic and the
page rank of your site by providing
one way link backs, the best kind, to your site from the most popular social bookmark websites.
Your visitors will click a link to bring them to a generic social bookmarking sites page
automatically pre-populated with the address of your page. While there your visitors can choose their favorites and easily add your site to all of the online bookmarks sites they use.
Simply place a
single line of code on any or all of your pages you wish to be bookmarked. The system will automatically detect the page your visitor came from to let you use the same link code on any of your pages without having to modify each code to match each page.
This is
the perfect system to use if you use a SSI or PHP footer in your site. You can add the link code to your pages and it
will work for every page on your site.
Our free social bookmarks service is
great for webmasters or bloggers type of site users to easily let you provide the
bookmarking options you want without the need for constant updates as bookmarking sites come and go or their software requirements change.
The PCman's free social bookmarks service lets your visitors choose from 16 social sites.
Place this code where ever you want your bookmarks link to appear.
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