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Resume Creator Help

Resume Creator help to provide tips and information about how to use the free resume creator program to write your resume. You can consult this guide to find answers to the most common questions. Get answers to resolve simple problems you may encounter with our free resume creator. The Free Resume Creator program is very simple and straightforward to use. It was designed with an intuitive wizard-style interface.
- Can I still become a member/join/register?
- How can I save my resume?
- How can I edit my resume?
- Can The PCman help me write my resume?
- What does The PCman do with the information I enter?
- What's the catch? Why does The PCman provide this program for free?
- Can I still become a member/join/register?
Due to diminishing user interest, we discontinued the member's/online directory portion of this system. Everyone uses the creator program and not the directory. It was decided that it would be more productive to focus on the creator programs.
- How can I save my resume?
After finishing your resume go to the Preview page. At the bottom, click one of the "Save" buttons. Select a format to export your resume to download your finished resume. Click the "Edit File" button so you can download a file used to edit your resume in the future.
- How can I edit my resume?
If you downloaded the resume Edit file (resume-edit-fileXX-XX-XX.htm) all you need to do is double-click it, then click the button on the page. It will bring you to the Edit page within the creator program with all your information pre-loaded into the program. If you didn't download the resume Edit file you must recreate your resume manually because we do not store any of your information.
- Can The PCman help me write my resume?
The PCman doesn't provide any hands-on writing help. Instead, we provide a multitude of useful tips within the program itself, in our Job and Career Help section, writing help page, and our action verbs page.
- What does The PCman do with the information I enter?
It is only used in conjunction with your resume. The PCman does not use it in any other manner, none of it is stored. That is why if you don't download your resume or Edit file and you leave the creator program, your information will be gone. You can view our privacy policy for more information.
- What's the catch? Why does The PCman provide this program for free?
Is This Free? Yes, there is no catch. The PCman wants to give back to the web community. The system is ad-supported and pays all the costs for our users.
- The Last Resort
If you tried using these helpful suggestions and still haven't resolved your problem contact us for support. We offer this service for free, so if you could extend the courtesy of trying these measures first before you contact us we would appreciate it. 99% of the time, these suggestions will solve your problem. You might as well skip a step and try these measures first. Good luck in your job search!