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The PCman's Free Pop Up Ad Stopper Test

Free Pop Up Ad Stopper Test use this page to test your pop-up window blocker software. We use 7 types of window pop-ups in our test, 4 open on page enter, 1 opens on page exit and 2 are mouse activated.
The following list describes the type and placement of the pop-ups and their triggering methods, for example: on enter, on exit, or pop-up.
Free Pop Up Ad Stopper Test
Our test uses 7 types of windows that will open on each of these triggers:
- Pop up window on page enter - opens by itself
- Pop up window in the head section - opens by itself
- Pop up window in the body section - opens by itself
- Pop up window with Meta-Refresh - sends you to another page
- Pop up window on page exit - opens by itself
- Pop up window on mouse over - wave mouse over link
- Pop up window on click - must click link
Run your mouse over the Mouse Over Test Link.
Click left mouse button on this Click Test Link.
If your software is ineffective or not present you should have many open windows on your desktop. You may have 1 or 2 depending upon the effectiveness your software. Another is set to trigger when you leave this page.
The first 5 happen automatically the last 2 are triggered by your actions using the above links. If you find this to be annoying you should get some software to stop this problem. Block pop ups forever. Stop annoying pop-up ads to improve your net speed by blocking ad graphics. Protect your privacy by blocking ad tracking code.
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