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Functional and Chronological Resumes

Functional and Chronological Resumes: Learn the major differences between the two most common resume formatting types and how you can choose which type to use then optimize it to your advantage.
Although there are more than two resume formats, these two types stick out from the rest as being the most well-known: functional and chronological resumes. These styles each have their own purposes and serve various functions depending on what type of education and/or experience you uphold.
Functional and Chronological Resumes
- Functional Resumes: What's the Point?
Functional resumes are popular, yet they still remain unconventional in particular fields. This is because instead of the traditional method of formatting your experience with dates and lengths of time, this type de-emphasizes basing the quality of your work merely on time periods.
The difference structurally between functional versus other types of resume styles is that the work experience section is added after the skills and achievements sections. It is arranged this way because the purpose of this format is to focus mainly on your skills.
- Chronological Resumes: How do they differ?
The chronological style of resume is what most employers are comfortable with viewing. This type is what you would most likely think of when someone says, "resume."
This format consists of listing your work experience first, with your jobs listed in chronological order, and emphasizes the duration of time.
If the employer specifically requests this resume format, they are most likely interested in observing how much experience you have and how committed you can be to a company.
All experience is listed in bulleted format, starting with the most recent and working your way down to the oldest employment that you wish to display. A brief description of the duties and achievements that you have experienced from your time with a company will supplement each listing.
- How to Use a Functional Resume
The best situation in which you should be employing this format is if your experience section is a bit lacking. Additionally, if you have an employment gap, this format will do a nice job of not making that as immediately apparent to your reader.
Job seekers have also used this formatting type in their attempt to gain access to a new field of study.
As you go through this process, the employer expects that you will not have much relevant experience. This expectation is why the experience section not being the focal point is so helpful.
It is important to be sure that your skills and achievements section is adequately full and impressive. That is what the recruiter will focus on as they read this style resume.
- How to Use a Chronological Resume
This type is very common, and most people already use this style of formatting anyway.
You have to decide if it is best for you because if you use this style, you may have more of an advantage since employers usually prefer this type.
Do you have minimal employment gaps? Have you held job titles for extended lengths of time? Are applying for a job similar to that which you normally hold? Then this type may be best for you.
If you are seeking employment outside your normal job description, functional formatting may be more of a benefit.
Review the positives and negatives of these two popular formats, and determining their proper uses. You should then be able to decide which type is most appropriate for your professional situation.
As you use the
free resume creator program, you will be able to choose between multiple styles to select the best format that is tailored especially for you.
You will be able to change the formatting automatically by changing the
Sort Order settings in the creator program. So to get started click the button here.