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Free Font Filter Tweaks

Free font filter tweaks are filter tweaks for the various CSS font filters. This chart displays the various settings of the Filter Tweak select box for the various CSS font filter types. The Filter Tweaks selection is the wild card setting as the filters have a setting that is exclusive to each filter. Use the following free font filter tweaks table to find out what function the selector's numbers control. Use with our
font filter creator.
Here are some font filter examples:
Alpha Channel Filter
This setting controls the opacity percentage of the text. 100% is completely solid, 10% is almost transparent.
- 1 = 10% opacity
- 2 = 20% opacity
- 3 = 30% opacity
- 4 = 40% opacity
- 5 = 50% opacity
- 6 = 60% opacity
- 7 = 70% opacity
- 8 = 80% opacity
- 9 = 90% opacity
- 10 = 100% opacity
Motion Blur / Shadow Filters
You can control the direction of the blur motion or shadow coming from the text.
- 1 = 0 degrees
- 2 = 45 degrees
- 3 = 90 degrees
- 4 = 135 degrees
- 5 = 160 degrees
- 6 = 180 degrees
- 7 = 225 degrees
- 8 = 250 degrees
- 9 = 270 degrees
- 10 = 315 degrees
Gradient Filter
The filter color sets the start gradient color. This controls the ending gradient color. Set the number to the corresponding color you like.
1 = #ffffff
2 = #cccccc
3 = #000000
4 = #993300
5 = #ff0000
6 = #ff9933
7 = #ffff00
8 = #00ff00
9 = #0000ff
10 = #ff00ff
Drop Shadow Filter
1-10 gradually increases the X and Y offset of the text moving them further apart creating more of a shadow effect.
Blur and Glowing Filter
filter tweaks do not apply to these filters it is not used.
Wave Filter
This setting changes the amount of waviness in the effect.