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Optimize Your Cover Letter

Optimize your cover letter by arranging your words and sentences in a way that will deliver the maximum impact. Learn these tips and secrets to reap the benefits of optimal placement and structure.
When it comes to the job hunt we can all use some help anywhere we can get it especially with all of the competition we have. For some positions there are literally thousands of people applying for a single job. With 2000:1 odds we need to do everything we can to make ourselves stand out above the others. One step toward doing that is to optimize your cover letter.
If your hiring depends upon the difference between you and someone else the tips and tactics presented may be enough to tip the scales in your favor.
Optimize Your Cover Letter Tips and Tactics
- What is Most Important?
Anything about yourself that is relevant to the position you want needs to be put in order of importance. The items that are most important and relevant to the job need to be placed at the top.
- Sentence Structure
When constructing your sentences determine which words, we will call them keywords, are going to be used. Try to place the keywords in the beginning of your sentences so they are read right away without going too far into the page.
- Construction
Three paragraphs should be sufficient.
1. The first one introduces the facts you are going to present to sell yourself for the job.
2. The second paragraph takes your facts and expands on then a bit to tell the employer more about what you have to offer.
3. The last paragraph finishes your argument for why you should be the one to get hired and can also lightly mention a supporting fact you will go into more deeply on your resume.
- A Two Course Meal
Your cover letter and resume should be thought of as a single unit with each document working together. Your cover letter is the appetizer and your resume is the entree.
- Do Your Facts Match?
Check everything you submit to the employer to be sure that the facts you provide all match up. If you write one thing on your application and something else in your cover letter you look either careless or untruthful.
- Is it Exciting?
Action verbs are customarily used to add interest to your facts. It is as simple as replacing low key verbs for higher energy verbs. An easy change like this can add more excitement to your facts.
- This Isn't a Novel
As stated above in the section titled "Constructing the Letter" use three paragraphs, we are not writing about everything we can possibly think of that can apply to this job. Pick your most valuable assets that most reflect the needs of the employer and include those.
Optimize your cover letter in a manner that can serve as a beacon to the employer. The goal is to make your facts shine like a road flare in a sea of cars on the highway. If you are not sure where to begin, you can tackle this task with our
Free Cover Letter Creator, pick from our starter letters and fashion them for your industry.