Your source for fun, free games-services-software
The PCman's Free Buttons and Banners
Free buttons and banners will simplify linking to our website. Link to us with our buttons, banners, or text links. Use a banner, a button or text link feel free to choose from the examples.
If you want to link to our site to provide your visits the opportunity to enjoy our rich content then please do, the following link examples are provided for your convenience.
Besides the free buttons and banners we also have games and we also offer a
games drop-down menu to give you easy access to our games on your website.
Right-click the image and select "Save picture as
," then copy the example code provided. Please change the address of the image src to point to where you uploaded it on your website. From the following boxes you can copy and paste these codes into your page if you like. Right-click the text box, click "Select All," then "Copy."
Pick your choice of 88 X 31 buttons

Pick your choice of 468 X 60 banners

Pick Your Choice of Text Links
Style 1
The PCman Website
Style 2
The PCman Website: Your source for fun-free games-web tools-freeware
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Play Free Games Online
Style 4
The PCman Website create and print Free business cards use our online web page creator and tutorials. We have collections of games, fonts, themes and more. Download games and utilities, post a classified ad or send a greeting card.
Games Drop-Down Box
Get our
Games Drop-Down Box if you prefer a quick all inclusive solution.