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ASCII Character Chart 0-255 8-bit

Here is an ASCII chart consisting of eight-bit characters that have code numbers ranging from 0 to 255. ASCII characters were originally developed for teletypes, but they evolved into a system that is still used by computers.
The acronym stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." Characters 0 to 31 are invisible, non-printable characters. Zero represents NULL, which stands for an empty value; it is listed as the first number instead of using the usual number one. Characters ranging from 0 to 127 contain seven bits. This chart contains all 256 characters (0-255), making it an eight-bit chart.
Decades ago, webmasters could use the characters from this ASCII chart to faux encrypt the text on their web pages. Webmasters employed this method of simple encryption to keep the source code from being read by robots and spiders. Visitors could readily read the page. Someone could have easily entered the characters into a converter program to read them. However, it was a new practice, so many people didn't know to do that. See our online
ASCII to Unicode Converter tool for more information. Please feel free to convert your documents with our ASCII to Unicode Converter to help create and build your website.
In Windows, you can access these characters with your keyboard by pressing the Alt key and the corresponding number of the symbol you want to use, as shown in the following chart. For example, to use an ampersand "&" click and hold the Alt key. Then, while holding the Alt key, click the three key and the two key, then let go of the Alt key. Your desired symbol will appear. This method lets you access more symbols than are present on your keyboard.
Each symbol has an equivalent HTML entity that can be used by web authors on their web pages. For example, an ampersand's html entity would be &. This chart does not show HTML entities, but you now know that they do exist, and you can search online for them if this is what you need. Instead of html entities, you can use html codes. To use them write an ampersand, the pound sign, one of the numbers from the chart, and a semi-colon to use these symbols on a web page. Write an ampersand as &. The words "The PCman" look like this: The PCman. Look for the numbers in the chart to find the letters in these two words.
Here is how the chart is arranged:
- Character 0 is NULL.
- Characters 1 to 31 and 127 are control characters.
- Character 32 is a space.
- Characters 33 to 47 are for punctuation and math.
- Characters 48 to 57 are numerals 0-9.
- Characters 58 to 64 consist of math and punctuation.
- Characters 65 to 90 are for capital letters A-Z
- Characters 97 to 122 are for lower case letters a-z.
- Characters 123 to 126 are punctuation marks.
- Characters 128 to 255 consist of the upper 8-bit region
8-bit ASCII Chart With Characters 0-255
Here are the ASCII codes with their equivalent symbols.