Welcome...Answer some simple questions to create your very own web page. No knowledge of HTML or Word Processing needed. Our system uses advanced features like Cascading Style Sheets, custom color selections, Internet Explorer mouse-over effects, and custom image selections using your own logo and images. Choose Type face style and color, we even included Meta tags to get ranked by the search engines! |
Self Service Web DesignYou can create your own page file name. Select the alignment of the images and headings. We provide you with 11 hyperlinks to your other pages including one for a Contact Us link. We give clear instructions at each step. When you have finished using the Web Page Creator filling in the selections below, click the "Preview Page" button. If it's OK click "Next >>" you can save your page using the "Download Page(Save)" button on the creator page. |
Copyright by The PCman Do It Yourself Web Design by The PCman Back to top |